Monday 20 June 2011

Guerilla Advertisement

Guerilla Advertisement is a way to say advertising with creativity and interaction. It really doesn't cost much to do and can have quite an impact on the audience. Sometimes though if the advertisement isn't that eye catchy then it can fail its purposes.

I quite like this one, it is a cut out of a person holding onto the cut out area which looks like they are trying to save the cut out. This advertisement is trying to show that the cut out is you and also the image cut out is also you trying to save yourself, this is from a help center too.

This one seems pretty cool too. As you can tell it is selling watches. The watches act as the handles you hold onto trains and buses. Putting you hand through one is a way of showing that the watch makes a fit and looks good on you so you shall buy it.

Now I really like this idea. This one is advertising coca cola with a straw reaching through the window. I like this and I think it really works well.

Putting the game together

The task that we have been given is to design a game for the Xbox with an age rating of 11-19. So first the members of our team brainstormed and got many ideas about what we could do some of our influences were final fantasy . we decided that we wanted a fantasy based game but we didn't want it to be the stereotypical fantasy game of were you have to save the world. so we reversed roles and you play as the bad guys and you have to destroy the world in which you live in.
we decided that you would be a demon and you live in a world or angels and good. Your goal is to destroy the empire of good.

we added in powers that your character would be given. theses powers are based on the elements, for example fire, ice, wind e.c.t.
but to make the game more interesting we gave the user the ability to control the minds of 5 towns people. and so this wouldn't make the game to easy for the player then we gave them a gauge for their magic so they couldn't keep controlling minds after the previous team members have died. this game does not have a online mode. it follows a storyline and as u progress through the game you will learn new things about yourself and the war that you are fighting against.

We also managed to make a front cover for our game which uses our characters face as the main image. Here is our front cover along with our story concept.

From left to right we have our first plan of our character, which we made like a basic demon look, red horns, evil eyes, the usual. On later thought we decided we would make this demon completely different so we changed the horns to look a bit like bat wings, we kept the eyes evil but still changed them, also we gave him long hair which isn't pure black. After we were happy with that design we made a full body image. We gave him a demon arm and made sure he wasn't red. Here are the designs.

Next we have made a game screen shot. With this we have decided to add a health and demon bar. The health is the flame, the flame starts to decrease as your health goes down. The green bar is for your magic. Also with your element, your horns change colour.

Finally we added elements. We added a few like Fire, Water, Ice, Electric and Darkness. Each ability will have different effects which will aid you through out the game.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Catchphrase Task

We split into groups on the rows we are and we had to come up for an image that can fit for a catchphrase but not to be made too obvious. Our group had to do 'The spice of life'. We got a few people guessing but it didn't take too long for someone to say what it was. Unfortunately I cannot find the image anywhere.

Monday 28 February 2011

Design Brief

Look at for more info.

I am going to take part in designing a logo for a hat company called Salute The Brave. I am thinking of doing a rounded logo. I will have the Circle in a white colour, The words Salute The as a blue colour and the word Brave as a red colour. Here is a brief layout.

Salute The


A circle will be around them. I am thinking what to put in the middle of the logo, I am debating to do something along the lines of a simple design of a wolf as wolves can be associated with bravery. I will do a design of their brainstorm with the soldier saluting shadow too. I will be coming up with more ideas as i go along.


business name

Salute The Brave

description of business

My company is a hat company that sells patriotic looking camo baseball hats, where for every hat purchased, one is donated to an active soldier (like Tom's shoes, except for hats).

preferred logo types

  • E.g., Apple, Jaguar

    Pictoral mark

  • E.g., Nike, Mitsubishi

    Abstract mark

  • E.g., McDonalds, cK

    Letter form

  • E.g., Harley Davidson, Starbucks


color preferences

red, white, white, blue (patriotic looking)

to be used on

  • Print (Business cards, letterheads, brochures etc)
  • Online (Website, online advertising, banner ads etc)
  • Merchandise (Mugs, T-shirts etc)
  • Signs (Including shops, billboards etc)

further requirements

We want to lure in the customer right away with a feeling of remembering what our troops are fighting for overseas and what it means for them to be fighting for our freedom. That being said, we want as patriotic a logo as possible, and we were also brainstorming a black silhouette of a soldier saluting in the logo (that's just 1 idea)...One thing to remember though, is that the logo will be on camo hats, so it has to be a logo that is able to look good in stitching on baseball hats in terms of its complexity, but will also still look great on a webpage, business card etc. We are saluting the brave, and we want the logo to give off that feeling.

Monday 14 February 2011

Leteral Thinking

We had to do some Leteral thinking, here are the results. The reason why we did this is to help think out of the box, this is all helpful to influence thinking differently.

Name Images

Today we have to research what our names mean and turn them into some kind of image, my name means Earth and this is what I made out of it, not much but its an effort, I cant think of much for Earth after all. I think this technique can be successful with certain names, it does give a new edge and people that recognize what the name means thinks its really clever. Overall it is successful with certain names.

Monday 7 February 2011

Egg Drop

Here is our egg design. The upside down U's are bent straws and the big scribble is masking tape. This was used to attempt to keep the egg safe and reduce the impact of the ground.

The task is to get grouped with four people randomly, we had to make a way to prevent the egg breaking from a certain height. Although we werent told that it would be off a three story building. Our only materials was 6 straws and a whole masking tape roll.

Anyway on the left is a design and a rough look alike of our model, although we stuck the last of the masking tape around the shell for extra protection which made it bounce.

The process was pretty simple, we cut straws, bent them and masking taped them on, then we covered the egg in a masking tape shell. To modify it we would have used the rest of the roll to lower the egg until it reaches the bottom, then let go. Unforunatly, everyones broke on the 3rd drop so it was a draw.

The group I was working in was very good at communicating and shared out all the ideas, this shown me that this group would work well together, when making the egg drop shell we all worked together too.

At the end though we should have thought more outside the box. We could have wrapped the egg in a bit of masking tape but not tear it off, instead we could have curled the rest attached so it doesn't stick to the bars, we could then unroll it and lower it until it touches the ground. This would have been the best idea to safely lower the egg, even from the 3rd floor.

Character Concept 2

Here is my next character, A Dreary Door.

Height: 6'6
Weight: 66'2

Description: The Dreary Door is like a guardian that protects certain areas, its a very depressed door that will require doing a certain task to allow you past to a new area, its very creaky and possessed so it can talk and cannot be opened with shear force. It can only be opened by itself. It has a very dark voice and if you attempt to open it, it can react by sapping your life.

Character Concept

We have to pick two words from the blog below that have the same letters to begin with, I had little time so I had to be quick, this is what I came up with.

Persistent Pigeon.
Height: 2'3
Weight 1'2

This character is one of those annoying in game characters that like to follow you around from time to time, he is obsessed with trying to get you to eat his spoon, he also wears a top hat. He has Chameleon like abilities which means he can blend or change colour to his surroundings. He can help you out from time to time but only does it in his favour. He waddles more than walks but when he flies off he often drops his spoon and flies back after it, no matter what the situation, even life threatening he puts his spoon first. His voice can be quite high pitched but croaky.

Monday 31 January 2011

Word Association

When you are really stuck for an idea, one method of inspiring creativity is to use word association.
The following word lists were created through class discussion, with lists of adjectives and nouns being created.

TASK: Choose two matching pais from the word list to create two game characters. Produce a front and side visual for each character, along with a “character bio”






Bye Marnie

I think the technique is simple and easy to remember but can be limited. I think the process is more useful for those that are still young so it sticks in their mind and helps them remember what they want to talk about to their friends which helps to easily spread thanks to this type of word association.


Today we had to do a presentation about the Xbox games we are developing. I had to talk about a screenshot we have done for the game. I talked about how the health bar works, how the demon bar works, elemental bar, character and weapons. I talked a bit too quickly and didn't really say that much, I think I need to talk more and become more confident as I wasnt very confident at all. Apart from that I think I did well.

Overall I think the presentation went well, I will try to speak more next time.

Here are the practise mind maps.

The game we done is about a devil who is evil but the people that are good have decided to eliminate all evil, this is where you step in.This is a fast paced, action adventure game which see's you protecting evil and fighting for your right. Elements of this game includes weapons and your devil arm, this can be changed into several different elements and its power increases the more you use it. You can infuse your elements into your weapons to give them elements too.

We came up with alot of this with the games we like. Alot of the techniques we used was our imagination with combining games like Final Fantasy and Devil May Cry. 

Monday 17 January 2011


Classic high quality photography
Contrasting use of colour and highlights
Clean lines in graphic design

Contemporary and topical themes

Use of known music tracks
Catchy jingles
Repetitive phrases e.g. “Simples”

Shock value e.g. “cactus” dummy and “The Sopranos”
Use of a continuing theme – e.g. the Peter Kay beer ads
Use of known strong corporate branding and identity
“whacky” ideas – “Big Ad” (beer) and Cadbury’s Chocolate ads
Surreal imagery (Evian Water) (Gorilla playing drums)
Clever, skillful craftsmanship
Lifestyle adverts
Use of celebrities
Use of humour
Strong basis of factual information – e.g. the ipod ads.

These are some points of everyone's presentation today. When I had to go up and show the adverts on this blog as a presentation I went into detail with how they are used, how they sell and why.  With the first advert Bud Light I explained that the advert was for selling with humour, with the rubber floors. This has always stuck in my head ever since i was little, I still find it funny today. With the Chrome advert I showed how they make something like bricks, pong and turning the ending into the address bar and tool bar at the end. This way shows that its simple, easy to use and safe.

Monday 10 January 2011

TV Advertisements

Here I have found an old video that was on TV. Its an advert to do with Bud Light. I think this video is genius and brilliantly funny. It has been my favourite ever since I was little.Rubber flooring cant happen like that which gives it the unbelieveble feeling too which attracts atention to the viewer.

 Here is a Japanese advert about the search browser Google Chrome. I think it is very cleverly done with use of old video games. I think adverts like this one are great ways to sell and advertise their products.

Mind Maps For Xbox Game Ages

The whole class has done 5 mind maps with different ages for Xbox games. This was to determine what is needed for certain ages for games, here are screenshots of the 5 mind maps.