Monday 20 June 2011

Putting the game together

The task that we have been given is to design a game for the Xbox with an age rating of 11-19. So first the members of our team brainstormed and got many ideas about what we could do some of our influences were final fantasy . we decided that we wanted a fantasy based game but we didn't want it to be the stereotypical fantasy game of were you have to save the world. so we reversed roles and you play as the bad guys and you have to destroy the world in which you live in.
we decided that you would be a demon and you live in a world or angels and good. Your goal is to destroy the empire of good.

we added in powers that your character would be given. theses powers are based on the elements, for example fire, ice, wind e.c.t.
but to make the game more interesting we gave the user the ability to control the minds of 5 towns people. and so this wouldn't make the game to easy for the player then we gave them a gauge for their magic so they couldn't keep controlling minds after the previous team members have died. this game does not have a online mode. it follows a storyline and as u progress through the game you will learn new things about yourself and the war that you are fighting against.

We also managed to make a front cover for our game which uses our characters face as the main image. Here is our front cover along with our story concept.

From left to right we have our first plan of our character, which we made like a basic demon look, red horns, evil eyes, the usual. On later thought we decided we would make this demon completely different so we changed the horns to look a bit like bat wings, we kept the eyes evil but still changed them, also we gave him long hair which isn't pure black. After we were happy with that design we made a full body image. We gave him a demon arm and made sure he wasn't red. Here are the designs.

Next we have made a game screen shot. With this we have decided to add a health and demon bar. The health is the flame, the flame starts to decrease as your health goes down. The green bar is for your magic. Also with your element, your horns change colour.

Finally we added elements. We added a few like Fire, Water, Ice, Electric and Darkness. Each ability will have different effects which will aid you through out the game.

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